Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Like I've loved you...

Don't love me just because I make you laugh,
Enter a room and leave it in splits,
Don't love me because you just like my company,
Or 'cause I'm capable of boring you to bits!

Love me instead, because you cannot live without me,
Because every thought of me, makes you catch your breath,
Love me for all these reasons and more,
Like I've loved you, from the second we met!

Don't fall in love with the mere idea of me,
A persona, a fad, that changes through the years,
Don't romanticize the person you think I will be,
Or love me 'cause I will dry away your every tear.

Love me instead, because when you lie awake at night,
I'm the last thought that goes through your brain.
Like I've loved you before, and I will forevermore,
You will learn to love me, all over again.

Don't listen to an illusion someone else presents of me,
They all think their opinions are the Truth.
The Truth is, that I am exactly the person I was meant to be,
And none of them know me the way you do.

And judge me not, for a few mistakes I've made,
I'm only human; they do not, this person, define,
Take the effort to see, past my few insecurities,
Don't throw it all away, just 'cause you don't have the time.

Love the person I am as a whole, no holds barred,
Love me for all that you know is true,
For more than just the memories, the fun and the insanity,
Love me...Like I've loved you...


  1. Wow! Good going, but too late for the mag. :-(

  2. i wonder if its ever possible for any person....love me like i love u...
