Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Learning Life Lessons

"I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn how to let go. Things go wrong, so that you appreciate them, when they're right. You believe lies, so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes, good things fall apart, so better things can fall together."

I found this quote off one of the wallpapers that I downloaded off the Itunes store, and I could not find anything as apt as this to explain my life right now. It's like someone, somewhere was looking down at me, and realized I needed some words of wisdom, and presto! I got to wondering who my "someone, somewhere" was, so I decided to look up the author of this brilliance and of all the people in the world it turned out to be...brace yourselves...Marilyn Monroe! Whoever said beauty came with no brains? The next person that tells me a dumb blonde joke is going to get it in the nads! Hard!

Everything does happen for a reason. At the time, it might seem like the universe is trying to rub shit in your face, while everything's falling apart. But there's always a reason for the things that happen in a person's life. What doesn't kill you after all, only makes you stronger. (Or weirder, if you're the late Mr. Ledger in the guise of the joker! The Dark Night gets my vote for one of the greatest movies of all time!) There's a reason why the tiniest drop of rain forms a perfect spatter mark on the windshield of a car. There's a reason to every beginning, to every end, and to every middle that you may find yourself stuck in. The Big Man up there knows what he's doing, and just when the boat feels like it's heading out into uncharted waters, He will throw you a rope that will make you smile. That rope will make you realize, looking back, that this journey we're all on has been charted from the very beginning, and that everything that happens along the way, plays a crucial role in shaping the people we become. The choices that we make at these junctures in our existence are the choices we will live with all our lives!

People change, either for the better or for the worse. They move on to bigger, better things, or they choose to stay behind and talk, because every situation in your life or mine deserves their scrutiny and then their two cents. While it's important to take the advice of friends, it's even more important to make your own decisions, not basing them on what people think of you, or what the world says about you. You can either conform to the standards that the world sets for you, and be miserable with that life, or live life the way you want to and be truly happy. Whatever the case, eventually, you are the one who must live with the consequences of the decisions that you make, so why bother with what the world says about you? I don't!

The beauty of this existence is that it doesn't come with an eraser, or a disclaimer. You're allowed to make your mistakes and learn from them. And mistakes you will make my friend! When everything's going down the crapper, you'll see why there's a little button that's marked 'Flush', just within your reach. And you'll learn to value the good that you have in your life, instead of taking it all for granted. We take too much for granted, and have to lose it all to realize what it meant. And we get used to losing out on the important things in life, because that grotesque monster we call our pride doesn't allow us to admit we've made mistakes.

Finally, every good thing must come to an end. We cling on so dearly, even at the finale, like a child being dragged away from Lego land, little realizing that one thing has to draw to a close, for something even better to take its place. We hold on, stubborn as ever, so scared of change, so unwilling to ever give in and allow the new to take the place of the old, because we're afraid to trust that there's a certain order to all the chaos, if you just choose to look close enough. We're always so reluctant to leave our comfort zones, to let go of the familiar, because we're immediately wary that the unfamiliar may hold challenges that we cannot handle. But what if the unfamiliar is what was always meant to be? What if the unfamiliar, the difficult, the 'going against the flow', the narrow and winding path is the one that will bring you more joy than you could possibly imagine? Would you rather hold on for the rest of your life to the lifelessness that is your reality today? Or would you rather take that leap of faith and TRUST, trust that this is part of the Master's master plan?

Disclaimer - Oh well, I didn't intend for my very first blog post to be all philosophical and preachy. I used to have a sense of humour, but I think I may have lost it in some drunken karaoke contest\fat man race\war against the corporate monster\even more drunken bet. Stay tuned, while I look for it folks!    


  1. AWESOME!!! I'm bookmarking your blog, don't disappoint me. :D

  2. Thank you, Ms. Manvi! I promise I won't disappoint.
