Thursday, April 28, 2011

She has my rib...

She has my rib, she's out there somewhere,
He created her only for me.
And as long it takes, I'm willing to wait,
To fulfill my destiny.

She was created from me, my own flesh and bone,
Chosen for me 'fore the dawn of time,
She's somewhere out there, she's awaiting the day,
When I'll be hers and she will be mine!

She has my rib, more than just a part of myself,
She completes the person I will become,
As, in the grand scheme of things, the Master doth bring,
Two people together to become One!

She's the girl of my dreams, I may already know her,
Everything that is and will be the best in me,
She's the calm to the storm of my soul,
The fragment that will make me whole,
The release that will set this trapped soul free!

She's the rhythm to my blues, the plan in place,
Long before I was a baby in my crib,
The missing piece to the puzzle of my life,
The gal who will one day be my wife,
And so I wait patiently, for her that has my rib!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You'll remember...

One day you will read this back and smile,
Because you'll realize that all the while,
Every word in this little note was so true,
And as your smile turns to tears,
You'll remember the boy that would calm the fears,
And how much he will always care for you!

You'll remember the bestest times you shared with that friend,
How it grew into a love, that you knew would never end,
And telling him he was everything you wanted in a guy,
As the seconds become minutes, and the hours turn into days,
You will wonder how you let all the stupidity stand in the way,
And you'll wipe away tears and ask yourself why.

You'll remember paying heed to what the whole world had to say,
And how you decided to throw it all away,
The bullshit, meant more to you than what could have been,
You'll think back to the world he gave up for you,
And remember how you told him, that you never asked him to,
But for you, he'd do it all over again, in a heartbeat!

You were being judged by the dirtiest of sinners,
But in their eyes, being accepted, made you a winner,
There's nothing he could ever say, to change your mind,
You'll remember all those nights you cried,
Because you won't have him by your side,
And the comfort he gave you, through your lowest times.

He was boring, he couldn't dance,
You’ll had different interests, so you never gave him a chance,
How stupid and shallow the grounds!
Yet deep down, you'll always know,
That you loved him, and always wanted him, so,
You'll remember how the scars were once, just unhealed wounds.

Because one day, all the rubbish that people said won't even matter,
Every idle soul, will waste away precious life, with futile chatter!
You're living your life by the standards of fickle minds,
You'll look back at what was, and what could have become,
And you'll realize what you missed, had this not come undone,
And one day, you'll remember...what you left behind...