Tuesday, September 1, 2015

If I Ever Let Go Of Your Hand

If I ever let go of your hand,
Be it for nothing else,
Than to wipe away every ounce of pain,
Or to draw your gaze to the skies,
To where the Creator of those hazel eyes,
Used His stars to spell out every letter of your name!

If I ever let go of your hand,
Let it only be,
To calm the storms in your soul,
To pick you up when you've lost all hope,
When you're broken, and unable to cope,
Let my hand be the one that carries you home.

And if I ever let go of your hand,
For even a second,
Let it only be to slay the demons in your mind,
To thumb through the worn pages of your past,
To the tales that were always meant to last,
Beyond longing and the memories you've left behind.

And if these fingers,
Should ever loosen their grip,
Let it only be to dry the tears from your cheek,
To remind you how I never stopped believing,
In magic, and you, and hope, however fleeting,
When you're broken, I'll be the healing you seek.

I make you an undying promise,
That I will ride out every storm,
Through it all, at your side I'll stand,
For what kind of love would this be,
When you most needed me,
If I ever let go of your hand?